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  • Description:

    Argatherm - The ideal thermal insulation finish

    Argatherm is the perfect thermal skim coat, the mortar that excellently covers Diathonite insulating plasters, avoiding heat dispersion and ensuring additional comfort elements. A vocation also strengthened by a pleasant aesthetic aspect, marked by a very slight roughness that is a distinctive feature of Mediterranean Building.
  • Product code :ARGATHERM
0 Reviews

Argatherm – The ideal thermal insulation finish

Argatherm is the perfect thermal skim coat, the mortar that excellently covers Diathonite insulating plasters, avoiding heat dispersion and ensuring additional comfort elements.

A vocation also strengthened by a pleasant aesthetic aspect, marked by a very slight roughness that is a distinctive feature of Mediterranean Building.

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The ideal thermal insulation finish

Argatherm is a lightened finishing smoothing compound with very fine expanded mineral fillers and a microporous internal structure that give the product exceptional lightness and important thermal insulation properties.
The right grain size mix, the fiber-reinforced matrix and the use of special additives enhance its high workability during the drafting phase and excellent adhesion to different substrates (especially on insulating plasters of the Diathonite line).
Why you have to choose Argatherm?
  • The good thermal properties improve the insulation of the structures.
  • The installation is extremely simple and fast.
  • It allows you to correct any imperfections in the substrate.
  • It is sustainable and ecological, with no dangerous components.
  • An homogeneous appearance in a very slight roughness.

Additional information

Weight 25 kg

Yield: 1,20 kg/m2, value for 1 mm thickness (On Diathonite plasters we recommend a thickness of at least 3 mm) Tolerance: ±10% Drying time: 7 dd, value for a temperature of 23°C/74,3°F and 50% humidity By hand: By hand or Plastering machine


Thermal conductivity: 0,128 W/mK (category T2) Grain size: 0 – 0.6 mm Water vapor permeability coefficient (μ): > < a 15 Compression resistance: class R2, Fire reaction: class A1


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